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燃烧吧!团魂 is a large team live variety show for SNH48 Group, produced by STAR48 with the collaboration of Migu Music (咪咕音乐). The show will feature ten teams from SNH48 Group competing head-to-head for the first time and PK-ing with each other, in the form of a "National Tour + Team Competition" format, to compete for the honor of SNH48 Group's Strongest Team of the Year.

Competition Format

- The teams will compete in five live battle PKs across the country from May 4 to June 8 2019 as the first stage of the competition. Each PK will have a variety of competition items such as 16-member Songs, Individual Solo, Two-Person and above Unit(s), Street Dance, and Zhaiwu. After the five live PKs, the top three teams with the most votes will advance to the Grand Final on June 29 as the second and final stage of the competition.

- In the first stage, after each show, the team with the highest number of onsite votes is the winner and will receive a bonus of 100,000 votes to be added to online votes. On June 9, the three teams with the most votes among the ten teams will become the top three teams of 燃烧吧!团魂 and will participate in the grand final at the sixth show.

- In the second stage, the team with the most votes will receive the title of the Strongest Team of the Year and will be backed with resources as a reward.

- The SNH48 Group's Strongest Team of the Year will hold an exclusive appreciation concert and will receive Pocket48 App Opening Screen and an exclusive banner space (in the app), Migu Music App Opening Screen and an exclusive Banner space (in the app), SNH48 Theater Promotion Space, Weibo exclusive promotion resources, WeChat exclusive promotion resources and Migu Music exclusive promotion resources.

Preliminary Battle
No Team 1 Team 2 City
1 SNH48 Team HII SNH48 Team X Hangzhou
2 GNZ48 Team G BEJ48 Team J Guangzhou
3 BEJ48 Team B GNZ48 Team Z Beijing
4 GNZ48 Team NIII SNH48 Team SII Shenzhen
5 BEJ48 Team E SNH48 Team NII Tianjin

Battle 1 @ Hangzhou (May 04 2019)

Participating Members
Team HII
Fei QinYuan, Hao JingYi, Hong PeiYun, Jiang ShuTing, Lin Nan, Lin ShuQing, Lin SiYi, Li YuQian, Qi YuZhu, Shen MengYao, Song YuShan, Wan LiNa, Wang Yi, Xu Han, Yuan YiQi, Zhang Xin
Team X
Chen Lin, Feng XiaoFei, Lu JingPing, Li XingYu, Li Zhao, Pan YingQi, Qi Jing, Ran Wei, Song XinRan, Sun XinWen, Wang FeiYan, Wang XiaoJia, Xie TianYi, Yang BingYi, Zhang JiaYu


M01. H Zone (SNH48 Team HII)
M02. 计划崩坏 (SNH48 Team HII)
M03. 新航路 (SNH48 Team X)
M04. 梦想的旗帜 (SNH48 Team X)
M05. 不安星 (Fei QinYuan, Shen MengYao)
M06. 夜蝶 (Li Zhao, Song XinRan)
M07. 再见制服 (Hong PeiYun, Jiang ShuTing, Lin ShuQing)
M08. 对峙 (Qi Jing, Ran Wei, Yang BingYi)
M09. 噩梦轮回 (Xu Han)
M10. 青春的花瓣 (Qi Jing)
M11. Honor (Jiang ShuTing, Song YuShan, Wan LiNa, Wang Yi, Yuan YiQi)
M12. Star River (Lu JingPing, Li Zhao, Sun XinWen, Wang XiaoJia, Zhang JiaYu)
M13. 街舞 (SNH48 Team HII)
M14. 街舞 (SNH48 Team X)
M15. 宅舞 (SNH48 Team HII)
M16. 宅舞 (SNH48 Team X)
M17. 悬铃木 (SNH48 Team HII)
M18. 如果有你在 (SNH48 Team HII)
M19. Run For The Dream (SNH48 Team X)
M20. X Dream (SNH48 Team X)
SNH48 Team HII SNH48 Team X
Offline Votes 50,800 56,700
Online Votes 39,821 8,016
The team with the highest number of offline votes is the winner and will be awarded with an additional 100,000 online votes as a reward.

Battle 2 @ Guangzhou (May 11 2019)

Participating Members
Team G
Chen Ke, Fu BingBing, Huang ChuYin, Luo HanYue, Lin JiaPei, Li ShanShan, Lin Zhi, Xu ChuWen, Xu HuiLing, Xie LeiLei, Ye ShuQi, Zeng AiJia, Zhang QiongYu, Zhu YiXin
Team J
Bai XinYu, Fang Lei, Ge SiQi, Huang EnRu, Han JiaLe, He YangQingQing, Jin LuoSai, Liu Xian, Liu YiFei, Ren XinYi, Sun YuShan, Tang Lin, Wang YuXuan, Ye MiaoMiao, Yang Ye, Zhang HuaiJin


M01. 双面偶像 (GNZ48 Team G)
M02. I Know (GNZ48 Team G)
M03. J Story (BEJ48 Team J)
M04. 梦想的旗帜 (BEJ48 Team J)
M05. Hold Me Tight (Chen Ke, Zhang QiongYu)
M06. 玛利亚 (Ge SiQi, Ye MiaoMiao)
M07. 最终回合 (Xie LeiLei, Li ShanShan, Lin Zhi)
M08. 灵魂使者 (Fang Lei, Yang Ye, Ren XinYi, Sun YuShan)
M09. 夜行的黑喵 (Luo HanYue, Zeng AiJia, Huang ChuYin, Zhu YiXin, Xu ChuWen)
M10. 翅膀 (Huang EnRu)
M11. Gravity (Luo HanYue)
M12. 人间规则 (Zhang HuaiJin, Huang EnRu, Fang Lei, Liu Xian)
M13. 街舞 - 友情岁月 (GNZ48 Team G)
M14. 街舞 - 狼少年 (BEJ48 Team J)
M15. 宅舞 - 东京泰迪熊 (GNZ48 Team G)
M16. 宅舞 - 与你同行 (BEJ48 Team J)
M17. 青春的花瓣 (GNZ48 Team G)
M18. Wake Up (BEJ48 Team J)
M19. 未来主题曲 (BEJ48 Team J)
M20. 梦想的旗帜 (GNZ48 Team G + BEJ48 Team J)
GNZ48 Team G BEJ48 Team J
Offline Votes 75,000 32,500
Online Votes 49,732 31,805
The team with the highest number of offline votes is the winner and will be awarded with an additional 100,000 online votes as a reward.

Battle 3 @ Beijing (May 25 2019)

Participating Members
Team B
Cheng Ge, Duan YiXuan, Hu LiZhi, Hu XiaoHui, Lin XiHe, Liu ShuXian, Qu MeiLin, Shen XiaoAi, Sun XiaoYan, Tian ShuLi, Xiong ShuJun, Yan MingJun, Yang Xin, Zhang MengHui, Zhao TianYang, Zhang YuHan
Team Z
Chen GuiJun, Deng HuiEn, Fang Qi, Guo YiNing, Liang Qiao, Liang WanLin, Long YiRui, Lai ZiXi, Nong YanPing, Wang JiongYi, Wang SiYue, Wang ZiXin, Xie FeiFei, Yang KeLu, Yang YuanYuan, Zhang QiuYi


M01. 钢铁之翼 (BEJ48 Team B)
M02. 正义之手 (BEJ48 Team B)
M03. 三角函数 (GNZ48 Team Z)
M04. 速 (GNZ48 Team Z)
M05. 爱未央 (Hu XiaoHui, Hu LiZhi)
M06. 赋离歌 (Liang WanLin, Wang SiYue)
M07. 梦想咖啡厅 (Shen XiaoAi, Xiong SuJun, Zhang MengHui)
M08. Monster (Lai ZiXi, Wang JiongYi, Wang SiYue, Yang KeLu)
M09. 人间规则 (Duan YiXuan)
M10. NaCl (Yang YuanYuan)
M11. 梦与星光的海上 (Duan YiXuan, Liu ShuXian, Shen XiaoAi, Xiong SuJun)
M12. 浮光 (Chen GuiJun, Liang WanLin, Lai ZiXi, Nong YanPing, Yang YuanYuan)
M13. 街舞 - Only My Railgun (GNZ48 Team Z)
M14. 街舞 - 神的随波逐流 (BEJ48 Team B)
M15. 宅舞 - Change Your Mind (GNZ48 Team Z)
M16. 宅舞 - 芝加哥 (BEJ48 Team B)
M17. I Hate You (BEJ48 Team B)
M18. 梦之河 (GNZ48 Team Z)
M19. 爱的洄游鱼 (GNZ48 Team Z)
M20. 2024年2月29日 (BEJ48 Team B)
BEJ48 Team B GNZ48 Team Z
Offline Votes 107,000 40,400
Online Votes 1,167,493 84,767
The team with the highest number of offline votes is the winner and will be awarded with an additional 100,000 online votes as a reward.

Battle 4 @ Shenzhen (Jun 01 2019)

Participating Members
Chen NanXi, Deng ManHui, Hong JingWen, Liu LiFei, Liu QianQian, Lu Jing, Sun Xin, Tang LiJia, Wu YuFei, Xian ShenNan, Xie AiLin, Xiong XinYao, Zhang Run, Zheng DanNi, Zuo JiaXin, Zuo JingYuan
Team SII
Chen Si, Dai Meng, Jiang Yun, Kong XiaoYin, Li YuQi, Liu ZengYan, Mo Han, Qian BeiTing, Sun Rui, Wen JingJie, Wu ZheHan, Xu ChenChen, Xu JiaQi, Xu ZiXuan, Yuan YuZhen, Zhang YuGe


M01. 不放手 (GNZ48 Team NIII)
M02. 夏日协奏曲 (GNZ48 Team NIII)
M03. 勇气重生 (SNH48 Team SII)
M04. 暹罗猫 (SNH48 Team SII)
M05. 玛利亚 (Liu LiFei, Liu QianQian)
M06. 无声的探戈 (Kong XiaoYin, Sun Rui)
M07. Don't Touch (Zheng DanNi, Zhang Run, Zuo JingYuan)
M08. 初恋你好 (Liu ZengYan, Qian BeiTing, Yuan YuZhen)
M09. 天空信 (Chen NanXi, Liu LiFei, Liu QianQian)
M10. 流着泪微笑 (Xu ChenChen)
M11. 分裂时差 (Tang LiJia)
M12. 废墟纪元 (Chen Si, Dai Meng, Jiang Yun, Li YuQi, Wu ZheHan)
M13. 街舞 - Like OOH-AHH (GNZ48 Team NIII)
M14. 街舞 - 红衣女孩 (SNH48 Team SII)
M15. 宅舞 - 锦鲤抄 (GNZ48 Team NIII)
M16. 宅舞 - I'm High (SNH48 Team SII)
M17. 元气觉醒 (GNZ48 Team NIII)
M18. 开拓者 (SNH48 Team SII)
M19. 紫荆 (GNZ48 Team NIII)
M20. 毒蜘蛛 (SNH48 Team SII)
GNZ48 Team NIII SNH48 Team SII
Offline Votes 40,300 115,600
Online Votes 68,765 9,624,827
The team with the highest number of offline votes is the winner and will be awarded with an additional 100,000 online votes as a reward.

Battle 5 @ Tianjin (Jun 08 2019)

Participating Members
Team E
Chen QianNan, Cheng YuLu, Feng SiJia, Li Na, Liu ShengNan, Li Zi, Ma YuLing, Peng JiaMin, Ren ManLin, Su ShanShan, Wang YuLan, Xu SiYang, Xiong Xin, Yang YiFan, Zhang AiJing, Zhang XiaoYing
Team NII
Chen JiaYing, Feng XinDuo, He XiaoYu, Jin YingYue, Jiang ZhenYi, Lu Ting, Lu TianHui, Ma Fan, Wang ShiMeng, Xie Ni, Yi JiaAi, Yan Qin, Zhang Xi, Zhao Yue, Zhang Yi, Zhang YuXin


M01. 勇敢的心 (SNH48 Team NII)
M02. 夏日协奏曲 (SNH48 Team NII)
M03. 亚特兰蒂斯纪念 (BEJ48 Team E)
M04. 光芒 (BEJ48 Team E)
M05. 爱未央 (Lu Ting, Zhao Yue)
M06. 临兵斗者皆阵列在前 (Feng XinDuo, Jin YingYue, Zhang YuXin)
M07. 一千零一夜 (Cheng YuLu, Peng JiaMin, Zhang XiaoYing)
M08. Spy (Chen QianNan, Su ShanShan)
M09. Gravity (Jiang ZhenYi)
M10. 灰姑娘的玻璃手机 (Li Zi)
M11. 第一只兔子 (Chen JiaYing, Jiang ZhenYi, Wang ShiMeng, Yan Qin, Yi JiaAi)
M12. 彼此的未来 (Chen QianNan, Cheng YuLu, Liu ShengNan, Zhang AiJing, Zhang XiaoYing)
M13. 街舞 - Lazaus-trip Lee (SNH48 Team NII)
M14. 街舞 - EXIT (BEJ48 Team E)
M15. 宅舞 - 孩子气的战争 (BEJ48 Team E)
M16. 宅舞 - 响喜乱舞 (SNH48 Team NII)
M17. 未完成少女 (SNH48 Team NII)
M18. 北极光 (BEJ48 Team E)
M19. Remember You (SNH48 Team NII)
M20. 结伴 (BEJ48 Team E)
BEJ48 Team E SNH48 Team NII
Offline Votes 41,500 92,800
Online Votes 88,034 7,268,024
The team with the highest number of offline votes is the winner and will be awarded with an additional 100,000 online votes as a reward.

The 3 teams advancing to the Grand Final are:
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
SNH48 Team SII SNH48 Team NII BEJ48 Team B
These 3 teams will be battling it out in Shanghai for the champions title.

Grand Final @ Shanghai (Jun 29 2019)


M01. 猛犸 (SNH48 Team SII)
M02. 幻 (SNH48 Team SII)
M03. 时之卷 (SNH48 Team NII)
M04. BINGO (SNH48 Team NII)
M05. We Are The Team B (BEJ48 Team B)
M06. 剧场女神 (BEJ48 Team B)
M07. 不安星 (Mo Han, Zhang YuGe)
M08. 美杜莎的温柔 (He XiaoYu, Lu TianHui)
M09. 她和她 (Qing YuWen, Hu XiaoHui)
M10. CHA CHA CHA (Dai Meng, Wu ZheHan, Xu JiaQi)
M11. 巧克力之吻 (Li MeiQi, Wang ShiMeng, Zhang Yi)
M12. Mad World (Xiong SuJun, Shen XiaoAi, Qu MeiLin)
M13. 缘尽世间 (Kong XiaoYin)
M14. 青春不散 (Jiang ZhenYi)
M15. 深海之声 (Duan YiXuan)
M16. 宅舞 - Role Playing Game + 恋爱循环 (SNH48 Team SII)
M17. 宅舞 - 串烧 (SNH48 Team NII)
M18. 宅舞 - 千本樱 + 数码宝贝 (BEJ48 Team B)
M19. 街舞 - Love Shot + Earned It + 跳舞街 (SNH48 Team SII)
M20. 街舞 - 串烧 (SNH48 Team NII)
M21. 街舞 - 因缘 (BEJ48 Team B)
M22. 无可替代 (Special Performers: Li YiTong, Su ShanShan, Xie LeiLei)
SNH48 Team SII SNH48 Team NII BEJ48 Team B
111,596,983 163,106,337 10,822,805
The team with the highest number of online votes will be crowned the overall champion.